Driving sustainable healthcare solutions for everyone affected by cancer

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All.Can @7 Annual Report

All.Can’s Annual Report “All.Can at 7” is now available for download. The Annual Report of All.Can presents its achievements and milestones during…


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In 2023 cancer marked a grim milestone by becoming the leading cause of death in Spain

According to data shared in the Death Statistics according to Cause of Death produced by the INE (National Statistics Institute), in 2023…

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All.Can Global Summit 2024

The All.Can’s Global Summit 2024 will take place on the 16th of September 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and online.

About us

We imagine a world in which patients are always at the heart of sustainable cancer care.

The All.Can group comprises leading representatives from patient organisations, policymakers, healthcare professionals, research and industry from across the world.

What we do

All members contribute their time for free to the initiative, and all publications from the group reflect consensus of the members, who hold full editorial control.

All.Can Efficiency Metrics study

On 17 June 2022, All.Can published its Efficiency Metrics study, a policy research which proposes a set of internationally applicable and real-world measures generated and collected from daily clinical practice.

Cancer Care Efficiency Map

The Cancer Care Efficiency Heatmap is a visual display aiming to provide a better understanding of how efficiency measures, as identified in All.Can’s Policy blueprint: Building efficiency in cancer care.

Efficiency hub

All.Can is gathering examples of best practice in cancer care from around the world to create a learning community and help organisations find and implement potential solutions to common issues.

All.Can currently has 20 members representing patient organisations, policymakers, healthcare professionals, research and industry. The interest and enthusiasm shown for the initiative is testament to the power of our message: that we must all work together to improve the sustainability of cancer care.