All.Can Patient Survey

Recruitment of respondents The survey was made available online, with only a few paper copies distributed where they were requested. Respondents were predominantly recruited via patient organisations and social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). A notable exception was in Australia, where the survey was also distributed by clinic staff in Western Australia; and the United States, where it was distributed via the healtheo360 online platform. These methods of recruitment were chosen as they offered the most feasible and flexible approach to reaching a wide group of patients within the scope and budget of the project. The survey was open to current and former cancer patients, irrespective of age and cancer type. Caregivers and former caregivers were also invited to respond on behalf of those patients who were unable to respond personally or who had passed away. Because caregivers were asked to complete the survey on behalf of patients, we use the term ‘respondents’ in this report when describing the survey results to refer to both patients and caregivers who completed the survey. The survey ran from January to November 2018. Respondent characteristics A total of 3,981 people completed the survey. The number of respondents by country is presented in Table I . Overall characteristics of respondents are presented in Table II . Table I. Overview of survey languages and responses (unweighted data) * The number of respondents for each country shown here represents the international grouping of respondents. Each country survey asked whether the respondent was a resident in that country; if the respondent said no, their response was added to the international sample but not the country-specific sample. Therefore, the number of respondents shown in each country profile ( Appendix 1 ) may not match the number of respondents for each country shown here. For more information, please see the full survey methodology at ** This comes to a total of 101% due to rounding Country Survey languages Number of respondents* % of total responses Australia English 861 22% Belgium French, Dutch, German 396 10% Canada English, French 342 9% France French 55 1% Italy Italian 97 2% Poland Polish 1135 29% Spain Spanish 50 1% Sweden Swedish 60 2% United Kingdom English, Welsh 360 9% United States English 513 13% International ‘generic’ version English, Spanish, German, French 112 3% Total 3,981 101% ** 12