All.Can Patient Survey

Report structure The report is organised into four themes that emerged from our findings. These themes closely mirror the closed-ended questions in the survey, which focused on specific areas known from previous research to be important to patient care. However, open-ended free-text questions allowed respondents to mention other areas of importance to them. As these responses were captured in the thematic analysis described above, they also contributed to our selection of the four themes highlighted in this report. A selection of patient stories based on the post-survey patient interviews are also included throughout the report, providing more context and insights into the relevant sections. Names and some other identifying details have been changed to protect the anonymity of those respondents who shared their stories with us. Country-level findings Country-level findings are reported in Appendix 1 . These findings are unweighted and therefore not directly comparable between countries. Individual country reports were only developed where the survey had more than 50 responses, namely for Australia, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Country-level reports were not developed for France, Spain and Sweden. 15 For more information The survey questionnaires and full methodology may be found on the All.Can website (www.all‑ research/patient-survey ) along with other survey materials not included in this report – including further patient stories drawn from interviews conducted as part of the survey. Limitations Respondents participated in the survey voluntarily, therefore they are self-selected and represent the perspectives of patients who wanted to have their voices heard and were able to complete the survey. They do not necessarily reflect the perspectives of all cancer patients. As the survey was primarily distributed online, it was limited to those who had access to the internet, were active on social media, or connected with a national or international patient organisation that shared the survey. The survey was focused on patient experiences and processes of care and therefore did not include any questions regarding specific treatments or interventions. Finally, it is important to mention that this report is focused on reporting the findings of the survey, and as such, we have not conducted an in-depth analysis of what improvements in health outcomes and overall efficiency of care could be achieved if the issues highlighted in this report were adequately addressed. All.Can is committed to exploring these questions further and it is our hope that this report may also encourage others within the research and policy community to do the same. Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency