All.Can Patient Survey

20 1 • The way diagnosis is communicated was found to be important. Respondents reported a lack of empathy from physicians and poor timing – such as being told they had cancer without a family member present, or having to wait several days to speak to a specialist. • When asked to select the one area of cancer care where they experienced the most inefficiency, 26% of respondents chose diagnosis – more than any other area of cancer care. • Across all cancer types, 58% of respondents had their cancer diagnosed outside of a screening programme. • Among respondents whose cancer was detected outside of screening: - Delayed diagnosis (>6 months) was associated with a more negative respondent view of all aspects of care and support - The speed of diagnosis varied significantly by cancer type - Nearly a third ( 32% ) reported that their cancer was initially diagnosed as something different. Swift, accurate and appropriately delivered diagnosis i Key findings ’No procedure was useless; everything happened very quickly and efficiently. Ultra‑fast and professional support.’ Respondent from Belgium ’Everyone was vague about my diagnosis. No one wanted to commit. I had to press the surgeon for a direct response. It took too long for a final diagnosis.’ Respondent from the United States i Please note that in this survey, patients were asked only about their experience of diagnosis from the moment they contacted the doctor or were seen as part of a screening programme.