All.Can Patient Survey

22 ’I wish I had been told the whole truth from the start instead of diminishing it. I was the one to use the word “cancer” for the first time.’ Respondent from Belgium ‘Nothing would have changed the diagnosis, but the way I was treated and lack of communication made a difficult time horribly upsetting for me, my friends and family.’ Respondent from the United Kingdom ‘A nurse called on a Friday and gave me the biopsy results and said a doctor wouldn’t be available to speak to me until Monday. Worst weekend ever.’ Respondent from the United States ‘I was told over the phone that it was melanoma and I was being booked with a surgeon, but wasn’t given any other information, so it was extremely stressful.’ Respondent from Canada The timing of delivering the diagnosis is also key. Respondents commented that doctors should make sure people are not alone when receiving their diagnosis and are given a point of contact for any questions that will inevitably arise after they recover from the initial shock. The proportion of respondents whose cancer was detected by screening varied by cancer type. Overall, 26% of respondents recalled that their cancer was detected through a routine cancer screening programme and 17% stated their cancer was detected through screening for a health problem unrelated to cancer. The remainder ( 58% ) had their cancer detected outside of any screening programme ( Figure 1 ). 1 | Swift, accurate and appropriately delivered diagnosis