All.Can Patient Survey

27 One reason for delays in diagnosis for respondents whose cancer was detected outside of a screening programme was that they were diagnosed with something else before eventually receiving a correct diagnosis of cancer. • 32% of respondents whose cancer was not detected through a screening programme reported that their cancer was diagnosed as something else (initially or multiple times). This varied between cancer types, with over half ( 51% ) of gastrointestinal cancer respondents having been diagnosed with something else, once or many times, whereas for breast cancer respondents this was significantly less at 19% ( Figure 3 ). Figure 3. Proportion of cancers diagnosed as something else, once or multiple times, by cancer type (among respondents whose cancer was detected outside of a screening programme) Unweighted base size: 2,082 Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency 51% 47% 45% 44% 41% 38% 33% 31% 28% 28% 28% 19% 15% Other Breast Skin Lung Prostate Haematological Urological Brain/central nervous system Gynaecological Colorectal/bowel Head and neck Sarcoma Gastric Proportion of cancers diagnosed as something else