All.Can Patient Survey

33 Respondents needed more and better guidance on how to deal with ongoing side effects – especially after treatment was over. Dealing with ongoing side effects was perceived as a major source of inefficiency, with 21% of respondents saying it was the greatest source of inefficiency in their care. This was the second highest-reported area of inefficiency overall, after diagnosis ( 26% ). ‘I think we do not take the aftermath into account enough. Treatments… help heal cancer but destroy other things. Life becomes different after and many “little sores” occur, with which one must live.’ Respondent from Belgium In some comments, respondents said they had little warning of what the most common side effects were or how to deal with them – especially once they were no longer having active treatment . ‘The side effects are more than just a nuisance and need real recognition.’ Respondent from the United Kingdom What we know Patient empowerment – including involving patients in shared decision-making and providing information to help them better understand their condition – is widely recognised as being an enabler of high-quality and sustainable healthcare. 31-33 Shared decision-making should involve enquiring into patients’ goals for their treatment, providing evidence-based information about treatment options, and having systems for recording and implementing patients’ treatment preferences. 7 8 Why it matters Studies have shown that shared decision-making is associated with improved patient outcomes. 34 Treatment decisions can change after patients become well informed – with many choosing fewer treatments – and there is a substantial gap between the outcomes patients prefer and the outcomes that doctors think patients prefer. 35 ‘ Perhaps a clinician could go over the fine details on the usage of the drugs. I’m having to learn the do’s and don’ts via the internet rather than someone attached to my particular case.’ Respondent from Canada Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency