All.Can Patient Survey

40 • Respondents commented that specialist cancer nurses had played a critical role – acting as their ‘navigators’ and helping them adapt all aspects of their lives to cancer – both during and after treatment. • Nearly a quarter of respondents ( 24% ) felt that support from allied health professionals (dieticians, physiotherapists etc.) was not always available. • Respondents wanted more information about what they could do to support their treatment and recovery in terms of diet, exercise and complementary therapies. • 69% of respondents said they needed psychological support during or after their cancer care. However, of these, 34% said it was not available. • Many respondents expressed concern for the impact their cancer had on their families, and wanted psychological support for them as well. Integrated multidisciplinary care Key findings ‘There needs to be a plan made for each cancer patient, so a person doesn’t have to explain to each healthcare person what is going on and why the cancer patient needs help.’ Respondent from Canada ’Psychological support should not just be offered in the form of a brochure stating, “If you need help, you can get it here.” Many people will say they are “coping” when, in reality, they need support readily at hand.’ Respondent from Australia 3