All.Can Patient Survey

41 Cancer nurses played a critical role in coordinating care for respondents. Respondents often reported a lack of communication between their primary care physician and specialists – particularly in countries with a primary-care-led model (e.g. Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom). Respondents reported the impact of this lack of communication from diagnosis onwards – and again after they had left the hospital setting and were in the follow-up stage of care in the community setting. ‘There needs to be more communication between healthcare providers… don’t tell the patient to ask the surgeon, who then refers you back to your doctor, and this keeps going on and on.’ Respondent fromCanada Overview of findings What we know In 2014, the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) endorsed cancer nurse specialists as an essential part of the multidisciplinary care team. 50 Ideally, a cancer nurse specialist acts as a central point of contact for patients, helping them navigate through diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and, if necessary, end‑of‑life care. 50 51 Cancer nurses can help ensure clear communication with patients and their families and other healthcare professionals; they can address patients’ emotional, psychological, financial and social needs and offer information, advice, support and reassurance. 51 52 ‘I needed one central point of contact for everything but also one place to go for everything too. I have been under the care of three different hospitals with appointments for different procedures, tests etc. at different locations – it takes a lot of energy. I have had to become, in effect, a manager rather than a patient.’ Respondent from the United Kingdom Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency Respondents commented that specialist cancer nurses had played a vital role in remedying these communication and coordination gaps – acting as the patient’s companion and ‘navigator’ through all phases of care. ‘The reference nurse in oncology has been very helpful and has always directed me to the appropriate specialist doctor without ever underestimating my problems. It is a real asset to have such a reliable person.’ Respondent from Belgium