All.Can Patient Survey

46 3 | Integrated multidisciplinary care Why it matters Many studies show the negative impact that parental cancer has on the lives of children and the whole family unit, including siblings, necessitating support for the entire family. 65 66 Caregivers to people with cancer, in particular, have a unique burden placed on them – and their new role in providing practical, emotional and other support can negatively affect their own psychological, physical and financial health. Reasons for experiencing increased burden are multifaceted, and can be due to coping with the emotional impact of a loved one who is suffering, taking on this new ‘full-time job’ of providing care to a patient with cancer and/or taking on additional household responsibilities with no extra support. On average, these caregivers provide 8.3 hours of care each day for 13.7 months. 3 As a result, caregivers can have high unmet needs. 3 They frequently report psychological issues, including fear, hopelessness and mood disturbances. Studies also show that rates of anxiety and depression among family caregivers are comparable to, or higher than, those of the patient for whom they provide care. Physical health complications are also common – including sleep difficulties, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, decreased immune function and increased mortality. 3 In the United States alone, it is estimated that the annual economic value of caregiving is $375 billion across all diseases. 3