All.Can Patient Survey

3. Make integrated multidisciplinary care a reality for all patients. Respondents asked for more focus on the emotional and psychological impact of cancer and better integration of allied health and complementary services into their care. Cancer nurse specialists were often cited as playing an essential navigator role for respondents and their families. 4. Address the financial implications of cancer. Respondents commented on the significant and lasting economic burden often caused by cancer, and the need for greater support early in their care to facilitate their return to work and adapt their lives following cancer care. Throughout the survey, respondents’ comments underscored the wide-reaching impact cancer can have on all aspects of their lives. This is also reflected in economic data: social costs represent 60% of the total cost of cancer. 74 Integrated health and social policies that recognise the broad impact of cancer on individuals will be essential 72 if we are to curb the costs of cancer on our society. Finally, we should not forget that simple solutions can often go a long way in improving efficiency – leading not only to economic gains but, most importantly, to better outcomes for patients. Find out more All.Can is eager to continue working with others based on these survey findings. More patient stories will be posted on our website, and we would be happy to share further information about the survey. To find out more, please contact us at . 57 Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency