All.Can Patient Survey

Multidisciplinary cancer care Care used and implemented by multidisciplinary care teams, which are ‘an alliance of all medical and healthcare professionals related to a specific tumour disease whose approach to cancer care is guided by their willingness to agree on evidence‑based clinical decisions and to coordinate the delivery of care at all stages of the process, encouraging patients in turn to take an active role in their care.’ 5 Out-of-pocket costs The entirety of costs related to cancer that patients have to pay for themselves. This includes, for example, costs of diagnostic tests, treatment or care which are not covered by the patient’s health insurance, travel costs associated with care, and the cost of childcare or household help. Palliative care An approach to care ‘that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering from pain and other problems, as well as psychosocial and spiritual support.’ 6 Respondents People who completed the All.Can patient survey. This may include both current and former cancer patients, as well as caregivers who completed the survey on behalf of patients who were themselves unable to do so or had passed away. The term is used in this report in relation to both weighted and unweighted data; for an explanation of data weighting please see About this survey (page 11). Shared decision-making A process in which ‘clinicians and patients work together to choose all aspects of care, based on clinical evidence, patient goals and informed preferences.’ 7 8 06