All.Can Patient Survey

71 Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency Swift, accurate and appropriately delivered diagnosis • 27% of respondents whose cancer was detected outside of a screening programme said that their cancer was diagnosed as something different – either initially or multiple times • 14% of respondents whose cancer was detected outside of a screening programme waited more than six months to be diagnosed with cancer Information, support and shared decision-making • 44% did not feel involved enough in deciding which treatment options were best for them • 35% were not given enough information (in a way they could understand) about their cancer care and treatment • 48% did not receive enough information (in a way they could understand) about the signs and symptoms indicating that their cancer might be returning or getting worse • 43% were not given information about patient groups, charities and other organisations that might be able to support them • Of those who knew about patient groups, 62% used them a lot, or some of the time • 88% would like their health data shared with larger data bodies for the purpose of research and the ability to track long-term patient outcomes Integrated multidisciplinary care • 18% said that support from allied health professionals was not available when they needed it • 61% reported that they needed some form of psychological support during/after their cancer care but, of those, 35% said it was not available • 27% were left with unused medicine at the end of their treatment because they were given too much The financial impact of cancer • 48% paid for some part of their cancer care: 25% for private insurance, 10% for care not covered by the national health system, and 6% to avoid delays • 43% paid for medicines, 38% paid for alternative treatment and support (homeopathy, naturopathy, psychosocial support, physiotherapy) and 19% paid for some part of their diagnosis not covered by a private or public insurance plan • 46% reported travel costs, 28% reported loss of employment, 6% reported loss of insurance, 5% reported childcare costs and 18% reported other non-care-related costs Canada: key findings